Update from Friends Transmuting 30June2015

Disregard the Customer Satisfaction Survey that went out yesterday

Firstly, I need to say that there was a Post sent out yesterday in error.  Anyone who has their email address registered to receive new Posts from our site would have received a very confusing survey from us with a corresponding Post on our site that I didn’t know about until about 10 minutes ago.

The issue is that I needed help with the contact form Plugin on the site, and so asked the company who created it to help fix the issue.  I had to give them temporary Admin access to the site to fix the issue.  They fixed it and then created a new Post with a sample survey form to make sure that the repair worked.  For whatever reason the technician didn’t think to delete the Post, and so it then went out to everyone registered to receive notifications from us!

Funding Status Report

I’ve been hesitant to give reports on our funding source’s ability to fund your projects.  We do not know exactly when we can expect the first projects to be funded.  There is a chance that funds will be available to allocate to projects in July 2015, but we also expected to see that start at the end of May.

I’m not in a position to give details.  I do feel good about where we are at, but I don’t feel confident giving a time frame until we see the funds clear for use by one of our sources.

If you already sent in a Project Submission

We are getting through the full / final project submissions that have come through as quickly as possible.  I expect to be caught up with all that have been sent in by the end of this week.  The pre-submissions are taking more time, and we have focused on getting the full submissions through first.

We will work with those who have sent in pre-submissions individually as time allows.  Once Friends Transmuting has funding itself we will be able to respond much more quickly and be of much more assistance to those who require assistance to move their proposal to a final state.  We are working on a set of videos to answer frequently asked questions and to teach the basics of building your business plan.  All of us are, however, working around family, business and job schedules to do what we are doing with Friends Transmuting.  When we have funds to work with we will be much more efficient and responsive.

Thank you for your patience with us as we navigate uncharted waters.

with Friends Transmuting,

Mark Hoza